Monday, April 15, 2013

Easter in the midwest


Wow I am so slack, I haven't actually managed to write since yonkies ago! Its not becuase im particularly busy either... (Game of Thrones has been discovered)

This entry is all about my fabulous easter. It will be pretty short but full of detail. Ok so for easter I went back to Jack’s place in Spicer which is about 2hrs SW of Minneapolis. We left on the Saturday afternoon. 

When we were almost at his place, he stopped off at a car park and got out and we did a switch-a-roo! Yes thats right I got to drive a car in America!!!! WOOHOO He let me drive the last 5min to his house! I was so nervous at first because well, not only is it the otherside of the road but it I actually haven’t driven since Jan! For that reason alone I would be shitting my pants in kermi! But it all was ok J I think I did pretty well!

Ok so I met his parents and they are lovely! I have actually fallen in love with his mum. Maybe its because I miss my own mum and she was just filling a void but any who the whole family is just wonderful! Once home, we sat down and had dinner which at Jack’s request was steak, salad and cheesy potatoes (which is a dish I am 100% bringing back to Australia! Its so fatty but oh so delicious!!!!). While we were waiting for Jack’s highschool friend Mary to come and take us to Zorbas (the local go-to spot) I helped Kathy cut the bunny cake down to size and played with Sophie (another love of my life) and Mackenzie’s (jack older sis) little rat dog, Hank.

(Hank the rat)
(and this picture is for you alice.... reminded me of what you used to do to Henrietta)

Zorba’s was fun, we spent the rest of the night there, Jack went off and chatted with all his boys which was perfectly ok with me because I hit it off quite well with Mary and Mia and Erica so I was perfectly content. 

Next morning it was very hard to get up. We had to be at church by 9 for his mum’s sermon (oh yes i forgot to mention she is the local pastor). It was a really cute little church and I wish I could take pictures of the inside but I felt it a little disrespectful. The service was really nice and the Sunday school kids were really cute when they did their song performance. The only big I was really unsure and nervous about was the communion bit or whatever where you eat the bread and drink the wine. I had never done that and I wasn’t meant to because I am not baptized but Jack told me to just go along with it. So yep I am now going to hell according to Dani for eating the body of Christ without being a member of the church….

I almost forgot to say this, Americans dont have big easter eggs like us, they have easter baskets! So what the little kids do is wake up on easter morning and hunt around the house for where the easter bunny has hidden their basket. Now Kathy spoilt us.... There was me (20yo), Jack (22yo), his older sister MacKenzie (28yo) and her husband who all received an easter basket! It was the funniest thing 4 full on grownups searching around a house for chocolates. This is my basket here, it doesnt look like much but under the grass its FILLLLLED with chocolates. I am still going at it and its almost 3 weeks later!

Once home from church Kathy and I iced and decorated the cake and we all bundled off to Uncle Steve’s house for lunch. 
Before we left though Jack took me outside to the end of the driveway to shoot a gun J I don’t really know what type it was but that doesn’t matter. He only loaded one case in at a time for extra precautions which is probably a good thing and off I went shooting across the road into nothing. It was kinda funny. We literally stood at the mailbox, waited for a woman and her dog to walk past and just shot.
(and no i do not have a gut in this picture.... its an unfortunate gust of wind ok guys....)

Last but not least, Steve’s house is amazing. It was this little holiday log cabin that he did up into a two story + loft house right by the lake. I cant remember the name of the design but it entirely made of wooden beams and nuts. I met Kathy’s side of the family including grandma and grandpa who are the kookiest old couple. Again I love them!
Anyway the rest of the weekend was spent sleeping off the food and chocolate, it reminded my very much of our christmas’ and I was very glad to be wearing a ‘fat shirt’.

Next post will be about the lovely Coachella J

Dee xx

Ps only 89 days left :(
and yes that is a cheese hat from a totally unrelated adventure that i felt was a necessary inclusion.