Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Beak!


Spring break. That’s all I need to say right? Only kidding. First thing I need to note on is I came back last night to an almost full ½ gallon or 2L bottle of milk that I forgot to throw out. I was expecting the bottle to have exploded with sour milk spilt all over the bottom of the fridge but surprisingly it was still fresh and I had it on my weetbix this morning…. I have had that milk for 3 weeks now…. What in the world do they put in their food over here! That is not natural.

Right well to begin i can't remember every minute detail of the week but it was seriously like a reality tv show. Jersey Shore international style i would say...

Ok we flew down on the Saturday and darling Jack stayed the night and took me and Portia to the airport the next morning. Poor dani had her flight booked to Atlanta for the Friday so had to fly down then and stay an extra night. It was quite an easy journey and we stopped off for a MASSIVE hagen daaz Sunday at the airport (not a good start to the week). Once we picked up dani we headed to the car rental place where we had some major trouble getting our car. Portia's card didnt have the full $350 needed for the payment and they wouldnt let us pay on another card so we all had to chip in a little in cash and then pay some extra because apparently teenage girls cant be trusted....

Car trip down was alright. We got delirious towards the end of it but that made it more bearable on my behalf at least. Again you may think delirious is my favourite word… and maybe it is but it is perfect to describe how I get when I am TOOO tired, and that is more often than not on over here. We got in at 3am and basically went straight to bed. People were still partying but no no that could wait until the morning.

Next day was cold and windy but that didn’t stop the fun. Hottubs and heated pools are a great invention. Because we were going full boar from about 10am we were all asleep by 7-8pm and so I had a wonderful sleep over 12 hours!!! Wowie!

Next day was much sunnier and everyone came out to play! And I mean everyone! It was the busiest beach day of the trip. One really cool thing was for st pats day they somehow dyed the sea green! 

I cant remember anything of note really on that day apart from EVERYONE except the smart aussie over here got sunburnt and peeled for the entire rest of the trip! All I can say is sucked in! you all need to learn to slip-slop-slap! In saying that though I was probably one of the palest by the end of the trip which confused everyone because Aussies are meant to be BROWN!!! Yeah well genetics isn’t really in my favour now is it….

We also went to a beach party on one of the days where there was free drinks for 5hrs! woohoo! I didn’t drink though because we danced soooo much! didnt have time to wait in lines! There was an awesome DJ set and a country music set as well… and I admit… I am a country music convert now… I love all the corny American stuff! Country Girl is the best song.

Towards the end of the week dani (frenchie) was discovered by a French filming crew. So naturally as her BFFL, the two of us are now being featured on a French documentary on the main TV station in france. They followed us around for 3 days and interviewed the both of us (mainly dani in French, with me looking like a mute in the background). It was quite funny because people were getting really confused and thought that we were celebrities! :D nothing wrong with that…..

Second last day all the girls stayed in bed but I managed to head out once the sun was out. So glad I did because I say so many Minnesota people that I actually already knew! Reed from my accounting class, Annie from well I guess Sigma Nu and the rest of the Snu’s! It was great fun! And I managed to rope one of the boys to drive us home from the airport when we got in so that we wouldn't freeze without our jackets!

Oh and I think I should drop out of business school and do a cooking apprentership… seriously. Look i even have my own business set up!

Even on spring break I was coming in off the beach, stealing the spatulas off the boys cooking a bbq saying no no no your doing it all wrong. Here let me show you… I ended up cooking their whole lunch for 8 people! And well its safe to say I took over the pasta, pancakes, scrambled eggs and cocktail making for the week. I cant help myself!

The last night of the trip we went to hammerheads fred's again. Going there I was completely pooped out and didnt really want to face hard liquor again. I was such a wet rag for the first half of the night but then Wesley made me come with him into the mosh pit once the glow paint started being sprayed and well... 

WHO DOESNT LOVE GLOW PAINT?! I had the best time! Such a grub and I love it! Haha I slept like that though when we got home which was not really a good idea… my hair had become all crusty with green, purple and orange paint and well my face was not much better. It was VERY hard to scrub off the next day and so I still managed to travel to Atlanta with a fluro green neck and chest… needless to say my singlet is destroyed.. even after two washes! mum i need you to bleach it!!! 

Other than 2/3 nights, we were all in bed by 11pm and so well it sounds dull but we were honestly all partied out by then! I also definitely spent over $1000 but again… it was worth it. 

On the way home Atlanta was a bit of a let down. It seemed like a pretty city but we were so ridiculously tired and it rained the whole day… we still got a nice lunch from Ray’s in the city though and I was super touristy and held out my map and camera everywhere we managed to walk in the wet!  So crazy it was only about 9c but I was walking in only jeans and a shirt… I mean I was cold but Minnesota has really acclimatized me! Beach in winter!?!?! Here I come! 
We also went to the Coca Cola factory which well as a coke lover (NOT) was thrilling.

Apart from the coke onsie i found!!!

Also #FUNFACT atlanta fire hydrants are painted silver!

One more thing. I just went to the supermarket to fill my barren fridge and I couldn’t resist the jumbo packet of bunny peanut mnm’s so of course I bought them and was munching away on them on the bus… nek minute… the crack whore across from me (don’t want to be so politically incorrect but she was clearly off her face, only had one fake eyelash on and was slumped on the front seat of the bus) springs to life and asks me for some! I was pretty bewildered but of course I offered her the bag… when she couldn’t manage to get any out I helped her again. I tell you though it lifted my morale for the day. I felt very charitable and offered up my seat out of the goodness of my heart and not to get away from my new friend or anything.

Now that im back in Minnesota its time to do a major detox… toooo much frozen pizza, chips and well just disgustingness. So good to be home and clean and cold again J

If I have forgot anything well… too bad.

Much love,

Monday, March 11, 2013

3 Weeks Later...


I haven’t written in a very long time because I have been really busy with being a social butterfly and also studying a little believe it or not! Well im just going write things down as I think of it so it may not be in chronological order.
Ok so two weeks ago on Thursday (28/02/13 -wow time has gone quickly since then!), I went out to dinner with some of the girls for restaurant week. We caught the bus to uptown and back which was quite an adventure. We decided to take the advice of strangers as to which connecting buses to take. But thanks to google maps we made it in the end. We had a delicious meal and all ate way too much. Anyway on the way home we again got on the wrong bus and had to be directed by the bus driver as to which one to catch and where to get on. He was so lovely and even slightly went off his route to get us there. Anyway once safe and sound on the second bus I realized I didn’t have my phone anywhere on me! I had left it in the other bus! I was so upset and regretfully accepted the fact that I was going to have to shell out $700 for a new iPhone… This is where I become the luckiest girl alive! So to set the scene, there is a saying here called “Minnesota Nice” basically its because random people on the street are always so nice and eager to lend a hand. Well, whilst sitting in my emo depresso state at Mesa pizza… eating away my feelings (and yes i did magically find room for a second dinner) I decided to call my phone one more time before giving up and just calling the depo in the morning. I was so shocked when the bus driver picks up and apologizes profusely for not being able to answer the other times. He remembered who I was because of our adventures earlier in the night and told me that he had changed routes and would be driving past the university stop at exactly 12.22am, we were in dinky town so the late hour wasn’t a problemo. Sure enough, at 12.23 (little bit late there buddy… tsk tsk) the bus rocks up and he hands me over my phone! I have never been so grateful!

That weekend Justyna and I went to the Minnesota Insitute of art and by golly I have never seen so much stuff in one place! It makes GOMA etc look like some modest millionaires house in comparison! I was awestuck at how old some of the paintings and sculptures were. Some china figurines and statues were from 600-900BC!!! Like what the… I cant even comprehend how they had the tools to build such beautiful things back then!

Naturally I had to take pictures of all the horse statues......

The following two weeks have been full of exams so there is nothing really good to talk about. Dani and I have decided to do a CorePower Yoga challenge though which involves the two of us completing 50 classes in 25 days (25classes each). Its going to be tough mainly because spring break is in the middle of it so we will miss 11days worth! That’s 11 days worth of double sculpts! Eeeeeek I’m attempting my first double today actually. Exercise is a great cure for boredom :D To fill the blog out a bit i will put some pictures of the last two weeks in instead.

Talk about a sporadic blog but I had the absolute best day on Friday though I must say that at least. I mean it wasn’t anything unusual but I woke up at 5.30 went to a 6am sculpt then grabbed a jasmine and almond milk greentea and made my way to my finance exam which I nailed. Then walked back in the beautiful sunshine singing and practically dancing a broadway show to my randomly exceptional playlist. From there Justyna and I met up with Dani at the mall and shopped for a good 6 hours and you all know how good a successful shopping trip is! 

I also got to play with little Sophie baby last week and also went out to dinner a few times with the girls which is always great J I need to eat all the food in my fridge though before spring break so it doesn’t all go off!!!! Argh. Oh and I saw zeyo last night! He hugged me and said “oh it must be fate” I just laughed and said “no way I don’t think so.”

Oh one very last thing that i have to say to gross you all out and leave a foul image burning into your retinas for the rest of the day is this. We had a blocked drain in our bathtub and i called up maintenance to come and unclog it because it has a fancy inbuilt plug and there was no way i could have done it myself. Anyway they came and did it and while i was in my room i heard them complaining about how in boys rooms this never happens and that we should learn how to get it out or something like that... anyway later on i went to go to the toilet and i found this!
Yep thats right.... a big fat ball of hair the size of my face just sitting there... WHAT THE HELLLLLLL! Who puts a fricken hairball that big in a toilet?!?!!? I think they did it out of spite or something because no maintenance guy could be that stupid.. That thing is NOT going to flush! Me being the gutsy one had to fish it out with a knife while holding back the repeats of my lunch... URGH that was definitely the low light of my trip so far.

One last thing, I want to apologise to the brazilian boys if you read what i said in a previous blog. Honestly i didnt mean it, i was using my creative license and well yes may have gone over the top. I hope I didnt cause anyone any personal offence.

Anyway I think I will leave it at that,

Till next time,