Friday, August 23, 2013

Lamington Bites

Hello Hello!

Ok so next post, I'm really sorry but its healthy again.... :( i've never had to go on a a diet and well its taking longer than I first anticipated. A 2 week summer body doesnt actually happen the way you think it does... anywho what i'm making today is Sensibliss Balls! I know what your thinking.. what a gay name. I'm going to come up with a new one, how about Lamington Bites! (Amazeballs was also in the suggestion bin) I mean the only thing they have in common is chocolate and coconut but hey anything is better than Sensibliss Balls...

Now before I begin, these DO have the stamp of approval from mum and Alice. In fact they continuously demolish them before I can even blink an eye! All I can say is i hope the dates make them pay for it later....

And yes first time round I did make a mess. Dont try and do these in a blender... it DOESNT work!
Hand model? I think so....

Makes 27 and a half!


1 Cup of Medjool Dates (i just used the cheap pre pitted ones because i had them in the cupboard)
1 Cup of Cashews
1/2 Cup of Almonds
1/2 Cup of Oats
1/2 Cup of Desiccated Coconut
1/2 Cup of Cacao powered
1 Tbsp of Coconut oil (now this really is BS cause I used almost 3....)

1. Measure out your dates and pop them in a bowl. Proceed to cover them in water and make a date soup for 15min while they soak, then drain.
2. In a food processor, blend the oats and nuts until they form a rough crumb. (essentially you could use any nut variation you fancy/ have in the cupboard. Peanuts? why not?! Macadamias? Hell yes! Just don't go for salted nuts or you may end up with something funky)
3. Add the soaked dates, coconut, cacao and coconut oil and blend until well combined.
4. Take a heaped tbsp of mixture at a time and roll it into a little ball. If the mixture is too crumbly, add another tbsp of coconut oil... or two... or three...
5. Once you have all your balls lined up nicely on a baking tray, take each one and roll it around in some extra coconut. Its also suggested to use Chia seeds or cacao powder to roll in aswell.

One thing to note, you must keep these little babies in the fridge! They are nicer chilled anyway :D

Next time I promise to post something ridiculously unhealthy like cheesecake....



Thursday, August 15, 2013

Choconana Bites

Hello Everyone!

And so it begins, I have decided I have missed writing about my weekly adventures to exotic places that make you all drool with jealousy. So in leiu of that passing thought I have decided to continue despicable dee! Yes thats right you will now have the please of hearing about my sporadic cooking adventures (yes kinda lame and very broad term) on this beautiful web-based medium. No more insty pictures it will all be on here! Ok i cant promise you that one....

Anyway I thought I would start with something that reflects my mood this week and since I am trying to loose the spare tire I attained on my holiday, its going to be superduper healthfreak healthy! Alright, drumroll.... today we are making CHOCONANA BITES YAYYYYY(original recipe from

Now before you make this and judge me. Alice and Mum were not too keen on the finished result, but Alice is a picky food snob. The origninal recipe called them cookies but in hindsight they are more like Choconana oat nuggets. Anyway onto the recipe!

 MMMM MMMMM smashed up baby puke.... (really selling this one arn't I)
 Looking a little better I must say...
And Voila! All the work is done for you and its ready for the oven... he he he but seriously enough talk, here is the recipe.

Makes 24 with enough batter left over to taste along the way!


  • 2 Ripe Mashed Bananas
  • 1/3 Cup Reduced Fat Peanut Butter
  • 2/3 Cup Unsweetened Applesauce (I used baby food)
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla Essence
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
  • Dash of Ground Cloves
  • Dash of Ground Nutmeg
  • 1/2 Cup of Oats
  • 1/4 Cup of dry unsalted nuts of your choice! (crushed peanuts for me)
  • 1/4 Cup of Dark Chococochips
  • 1/4 Cup of Unsweetened Coconut

1. Preheat your oven to 180ish Celcius and line two baking trays with baking paper.
2. Next, Mash up your nanas with a fork and mix in the Peanut Butter, Applesauce, Vanilla and Spices
3. Add the oats, choc chips and coconut and mix until all combined
4. Finally, evenly place heaped tablespoons of the mixture on the trays and bake for 20-30 minutes.

Well, whether you try the cookies/ balls or not its up to you! But I hope you enjoyed reading about them at least :) I'll post another one when I get bored again and start procrasti-baking!

Till next meal,
