Thursday, January 10, 2013

Planes Planes Planes


Obviously what will be posted on here and initially written be different versions of a truth. Some things are best kept private when in proximity of the Mother’s eyes J. Don’t worry mum I promise not to go off the rails and invest in a handgun, but I will use some discretion re omissions for the blog.

Today was day one of my American adventures. This may be a painstakingly detailed recall of events but sometimes the minute things are worth explaining (or is that just my anal OCD personality coming out). I ended up having 32.7kg of luggage to take over which was 9kg too heavy so we bought another bag at the airport, and squeezed out another 13kg into it as you are allowed 2x23kg bags for the USA. This was a pain in the ass but didn’t really matter because I got a priority express card that breezed me through security and customs and I got to keep my MILO. I don’t think there was actually any rush as I ended up having an hr waiting on the other side. I think the check in lady just liked me :) (must be my girlish charm and good looks).
Got to the other side, checked out some really sunnies and fell in love with a pair that would have cost me about three weeks pay on my lousy job, but resisted in hopes for my first day of shopping at the Mall of America tomorrow! From there I just went to the gate which was riiiiight at the end of the terminal and sat eating Aunty Pip’s wedding fudge by the handful (at about 10am in the morning, FATYY BOOMBA).

There was one last drama though before getting on the plane… (just to keep your heart rate up mum)I got my passport scanned and was literally walking on board when I realized I had left my new big red travel wallet with all my documents in it at the security screening before customs where I was chatting along to a slightly attractive boy on his way to hong kong. I bolted back to customs where I explained through choked up words admittedly half due to nervous tears and half just from my marathon effort across the airport. Anyway I got it back and made it for the final call so it wasn’t a big deal anyway but I thought I would add it in for some scenic action on the first day.

Otherwise sitting on the plain is quite boring. I sat next to this nice Canadian couple that kept offering me their pre bought pringles and kitkats <3. I kindly declined but only because I still had my fudge and lindt balls to keep me happy (thanks TIERA). I watched the movie Lawless with one of my future husband prospsects Tom Hardy starring, s and had a little nanna nap but otherwise not much else. Now just sitting at the LAX waiting for my next flight and trying to decide whether my first American meal should be McDonalds????

I am sure the posts will get less attentive, shorter, and possibly easier to read as the trip progresses. Miss you already FAMBAM <3


1 comment:

  1. You had the desired effect of raising my stress levels!!
